| 1. | When the campaign began last month, bad weather was an inhibiting factor.
| 2. | Darden also cited the cost of drug testing as an inhibiting factor.
| 3. | There are, however, several inhibiting factors to the closeness of this alliance.
| 4. | He added, " The only inhibiting factor now is his pain tolerance ."
| 5. | Another inhibiting factor for a California landfall is the water temperatures.
| 6. | There are various other inhibiting factors that also have tropic endocrine inhibition activity.
| 7. | I don't see why FIFA should be any inhibiting factor in regards to information.
| 8. | The physical situation here and the rigour of the work schedule are great inhibiting factors.
| 9. | "Since March, price is no longer an inhibiting factor.
| 10. | He described corruption as the " single most inhibiting factor in terms of development ."